
Colin's Favourites MP3 Album, Individual songs, Backing Tracks, Sheet Music Available
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Colin's best selling CD releases have brought Bible Truths to the young and old alike for over a decade. Now, Colin has hand picked a fun-filled collection of his favourites and popped them on this specially-priced album - the perfect tasty companion to Colin's Favourites DVD.
Available as a complete MP3 album or choose from individual MP3 tracks.
Also available:
Colin's Favourites DVD digital download for iPads and Computers
Colin Buchanan has become a part of families and children's ministries across Australia since the release of his first Christian album over a decade ago. And he's finally gathered his most requested songs into one place - Colin's Favourites. It's a grab bag choc full of over an hour of classics, each with a nourishing, chewy center of bible truth!
Colin's Favourites is a great chance to discover - or re-discover - the highlights from Colin's amazing catalogue of colourful, purposeful, lively songs about the Lord. Spanning all 15 CD and DVD releases - and including a few special new songs - it's the ultimate Colin Collection!
Colin's Favourites SongbookPDF
2. Remember The LordPDF
3. 10,9,8 God is GreatPDF
4. The Crocodile SongPDF
5. The Greatest TreasurePDF
6. Jesus Rocks the WorldPDF
7. God Is EverywherePDF
8. The Old Black CrowPDF
9. The Lord Is King (Featuring Steve Grace)PDF
10. Passing ThroughPDF
11. Practice Being GodlyPDF
12. Merry Merry ChristmasPDF
13. You Can Tell The Lord That You Love HimPDF
14. Glory to God in The HighestPDF
15. Jesus Is The Mighty, Mighty KingPDF
16. Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!PDF
17. Follow The SaviourPDF
18. Isaiah 53:6PDF
19. The King of ChristmasPDF
20. The One and Only GodPDF
21. Bigger Than SpacePDF
22. Blabbermouth (Prov 20:19)PDF
23. Hang On To JesusPDF
24. Press On MumsPDF
25. Real HopePDF
26. The Other Side of GracePDF
2. Remember The Lord
3. 10,9,8 God is Great
4. The Crocodile Song
5. The Greatest Treasure
6. Jesus Rocks the World
7. God Is Everywhere
8. The Old Black Crow
9. The Lord Is King (Featuring Steve Grace)
10. Passing Through
11. Practice Being Godly
12. Merry Merry Christmas
13. You Can Tell The Lord That You Love Him
14. Glory to God in The Highest
15. Jesus Is The Mighty, Mighty King
16. Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!
17. Follow The Saviour
18. Isaiah 53:6
19. The King of Christmas
20. The One and Only God
21. Bigger Than Space
22. Blabbermouth (Prov 20:19)
23. Hang On To Jesus
24. Press On Mums
25. Real Hope
26. The Other Side of Grace