Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo MP3 Album and individual songs Available
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Colin has always had a soft spot for crazy songs - and now he's packed a whole album full of 'em! Never before has Colin released a album like this one - a uniquely "Colin" mix of new tunes favourites! Some songs you've heard him sing on Play School or Playhouse Disney. Some songs are bursting forth for the very first time! But one thing's for sure - this all new recording is sure to get everyone going Wooby Wooby Yum out on the Ning Nang Nong doing the Hokey Pokey with a dog called BINGO and a Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo!
1. That's the Life for Me
2. Der Gloomph
3. B-I-N-G-O
4. Magalina Hagalina
5. Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo
6. Wooby Wooby Yum
7. The Hokey Pokey
8. O Little Ant/The Ants Go Marching
9. 5 Green Grublets
10. The Music Man
11. Ping Pong National Anthem
12. If You're Crazy and You Know It
13. Upsee Down Town
14. Going Crazy
15. Do Your Ears Hang Low
16. On The Ning Nang Nong